Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Using Unstructured For Primary Collection -Myassignmenthelp.Com
Questions: What is the impact of gender wage gap on the performance of the business in Australian financial institutions? What are the impact of gender inequality on the employees and business? Which initiatives can be taken by the government for dealing with the issue of gender wage gap and gender inequality? Answers: Introduction Gender wage gap is defined as the gap between the payments made to the different employees working at the same position due to gender difference. Gender wage gap and gender inequality is a major issue which is affecting the quality of the life of employees at the workplace. Gender pay gap has acted as a perplexing issue for the Australian labor market. Gender wage gaps have resulted in income inequality and adverse impacts on the quality of life of women. Gender wage gaps are considered as direct discrimination (WGEA, 2018). Different legislative changes have been implemented by the government of Australia so as to cope with the issue of gender wage gap inequality. These legislative changes were targeted at the equality of pay for the equal work. Attention has been paid to the issue of inequality in wages due to gender so as to ensure that the impact of this issue is reduced by reducing the number of cases (WGEA, 2017). This research program will discuss the concept of gender wage gap, its impact on the performance of the business in Australian financial industries and measures taken by the government for solving the issue. Data will be collected regarding the impact of gender wage gaps on the business performance. Data will be assembled with the use of different methods or approaches. Quality of the data is based on the methods selected for the process of data collection. Project Objective Gender wage gap is an important issue which has affected the quality of the workplace as well as lives of the employees. Impact of the gender wage gap can be seen in the performance of the employees which create an impact on the performance of the business. Various initiatives have been taken by the government of Australia for coping with this issue. This research program has been conducted with a motive to analyze the effect of the gender wage gap on the performance of the business in Australian Financial Industries. This research program will develop knowledge of the effect of gender wage gap on the performance of the employees. Project Scope The focus of this research program is on a collection of the data regarding the gender wage gap in Australian financial industries. Qualitative research analysis will be done for the collection of the data related to the impact of the gender wage gap on the performance of the business in Australian financial industries. Issues related to gender wage inequality will be covered in this research program and impact of the individuals, households, and nation. Gender wage gap and inequality has deleted the quality of life of the employees and there is a need to take initiatives for coping with the issue in a better manner Literature Review Gender wage gap is the gap between the remuneration paid to the employees on the basis of their gender. There has been a rise in the number of cases of gender wage gaps which has resulted in adverse impact on the economic condition of the employees and performance of the organization (Bailey, et. al., 2016). The growth of the business is getting affected due to the increase in the gaps between the wages of the employees of different genders. Impact of the gender wage gap has been seen on the education level of the females, decrease in the performance of the female employees, fall in the number of female workers, job promotion chances and affects the reputation of the business (McElhaney Smith, 2017). Lack of equality in the payment made to the female employees affects their satisfaction level and restricts the female employees from enrolling in educational courses. Job promotional changes are offered to the male candidates which affect the growth chances of the female employees. Lab or literature has placed their focus on gender wage gaps (Cassells, et. al., 2009). According to Kurtulus Tomaskovic-Devey (2012), government of Australia has formulated different policies and taken initiatives for the purpose of ensuring that the equal pay is made to every employee irrespective of their gender. There are various factors which affects the gender pay gap and these factors include discrimination while taking hiring and paying decisions, lack of flexibility at the workplace, difference in the nature of the work and greater time out of the workplace for women (De la Rica, et. al., 2010). Government of Australia has constructed different legislations for ensuring that gender differences are not creating impact on the payment. Changes in the legislations took place in the year 1980 and 1990. In the year 1990, attention was paid to the issue for enhancing the quality of workplace (Cardoso Winter-Ebmer, 2010). Research Design and Methodology Research design or method: Qualitative and quantitative research designs will be used in this research program. Qualitative research is based on the exploratory research design in which focus is on identifying the various aspects related to the issue or problem. Clarity will be provided to the different factors, motivations, and opinions. An insight of the issue will be provided in a better manner. Semi-structured and structured methods will be adopted for the accumulation of qualitative data. Qualitative research data will be assembled with the use of primary and secondary sources (Turkenburg McAuley, 2013). Qualitative research analysis will be done for the purpose of developing knowledge of the effect of gender wage gap on the performance of employees and business. Data collection: data assembling is crucial for every research as the quality of the research is based on the quality of the data collected. Two methods of data collection will be used for the collection of quality data. Primary as well as secondary data will be assembled in this research on the basis of which research will be executed. Primary data can be explained as the raw form of data collected by the researcher directly from the respondents. Primary data is less preferred as it is less reliable. Primary data is the first-hand data which is based on the views or thoughts of the respondents (Thomas, 2015). Secondary data can be explained as the second-hand data collected by the researcher from the secondary sources or the work of other researchers (Johnston, 2014). Secondary data is a more reliable form of data as it is authentic and does not get affected by the views of others (Rahi, 2017). Procedures and techniques: analysis of the data will be done with the application of the random sampling technique. Random sampling technique is an effective approach which is used so as to ensure equal opportunity to every sample of the population (Alvi, 2016). This will ensure that the analysis is done in an effective manner. Research strategies: a sequence will be followed for the purpose of conducting the research and covering every aspect. It is vital to conduct the research by executing every activity in a series (Subedi, 2016). Research timeframe: the success of the research is dependent on the completion of the research program within the limited timeframe allocated. Completion of the research within the allocated timeframe will help in maintaining the relevance of the research program. Collection of data and targeted market: a collection of the required data will be done with the use of primary and secondary sources. Primary data will be accumulated by forming a questionnaire. This questionnaire will be presented to the 20 employees for the organizations so as to analyze the impact of the gender wage gap on the performance of the business in Australian Financial Industries. Secondary data will be accumulated by using secondary sources including internet and newspapers. Ethical consideration: ethics can be defined as the process of identification of the right and wrong so as to conduct the research in a better manner. During the execution of the research program, the focus should be on protecting the interest of the different stakeholders of the research. Ethical aspects considered while conducting this research covers confidentiality, unbiasedness, honesty, and fairness. Research Limitations Research limitations are the factors which act as a challenge and create an impact on the research. These limitations are not under the control of the researcher. For the purpose of eliminating the impact of these limitations, strategies or approaches need to be adopted. Research limitations should be considered so as to ensure that these are not affecting the quality of the research. Research limitations identified during the execution of this research include a shortage of time, biasedness, lack of availability of the resources including finance and human resource and lack of permission to access the data. Time Schedule (Research Plan) Serial no. Activities Date of initiation Duration (in days) Date of completion Description I) Taking decisions regarding the topic of the research 19 January 2018 1 19 January 2018 The topic for the research will be chosen in this phase. II) Preparation of the outline for the research program 20 January 2018 3 22 January 2018 Plans will be outlined so as to execute the research accordingly. III) Execution of the plans as per the outline prepared 23 January 2018 7 29 January 2018 Plans outlined will be put to use for the execution of the research and attaining the objectives framed. IV) Choosing data assembling methods 30 January 2018 2 31 January 2018 Data collection methods will be analyzed and selected. V) Initiation of data assembling process 01 February 2018 6 06 February 2018 Data collection methods will be used for the collection of the required data. VI) Analysis and evaluation of the collected data 07 February 2018 4 10 February 2018 Data assembled will be analyzed and evaluated for drawing reliable data. VII) Conclusion and recommendations 11 February 2018 1 11 February 2018 Conclusions will be based on the data analyzed and evaluated. Recommendations will be made on the basis of the analyzed data. Conclusion Thus, it can be concluded from the above discussion that gender wage gap has been considered as a huge issue affecting the performance of the employees, organization, and environment at the workplace. Impact of the gender wage gap can be seen on the access to education, promotion, and budgets of the households. This research program has covered the impact of this issue on the businesses in Australian financial institutions. The government of Australia is focusing on resolving the issue and promoting gender wage equality for eliminating the cases of discrimination. Impact of the gender wage equality can be seen on the growth of the economies which are export-oriented and semi-industrialized. References Alvi, M., 2016, A Manual for Selecting Sampling Techniques in Research, MPRA. Bailey, J., Peetz, D. Strachan, G., 2016, Academic pay loadings and gender in Australian universities, Journal of Industrial Relations. Cardoso, A. R. Winter-Ebmer, R., 2010, Female-led firms and gender wage policies, Industrial and Labor Relations Review, Vol. 64 (1), pp. 143163. Cassells, R., Vidyattama, Y., Miranti, R. McNamara, J., 2009, The impact of a sustained gender wage gap on the Australian economy, NATSEM University of Canberra. De la Rica, S., Dolado, J. J. Vegas, R., 2010, Performance pay and the gender wage gap: Evidence from Spain, Discussion Papers 5032, IZA. Johnston, M. P., 2014, Secondary Data Analysis: A Method of which the Time Has Come, Qualitative and Quantitative Methods in Libraries, pp. 619 626. Kurtulus, F. A. Tomaskovic-Devey, D., 2012, Do female top managers help women to advance? A panel study using EEO-1 records, Annals of American Academy of Political and Social Science, 639, 173. McElhaney, K. Smith, G., 2017, Eliminating the Pay Gap: An Exploration of Gender Equality, Equal Pay, and A Company that Is Leading the Way, University of California. Rahi, S., 2017, Research Design and Methods: A Systematic Review of Research Paradigms, Sampling Issues and Instruments Development, International Journal of Economics Management Sciences. Subedi, D., 2016, Explanatory Sequential Mixed Method Design as the Third Research Community of Knowledge Claim, American Journal of Educational Research, Vol. 4, No. 7, 570-577. Thomas, J. A., 2015, Using unstructured diaries for primary data collection, Nurse researcher, vol. 22, no. 5, pp. 25. Turkenburg, J. P. McAuley, K. E., 2013, Data collection and processing,Acta Crystallographica Section D, Vol. 69(7), pp. 1193-1194. WGEA, 2017, Australias gender pay gap statistics, Workplace Gender Equality Agency. Available at: WGEA, 2018, What is the gender pay gap?, Australian Government.
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